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Hari Om

"Hari Om" is a common Hindu mantra and greeting. It is a combination of two Sanskrit words:

Hari: In Hinduism, "Hari" is one of the names for the god Vishnu, who is considered the preserver and protector of the universe. Vishnu is often depicted with a blue complexion and is associated with qualities like compassion, mercy, and love.

Om (Aum): "Om" is one of the most sacred and widely recognized syllables in Hinduism and other Dharmic religions like Buddhism and Jainism. It is considered the sound of the universe and is often chanted during meditation and prayer. It represents the ultimate reality or consciousness.


When combined, "Hari Om" serves as both a greeting and a mantra. It can be used as a way to greet someone with blessings or as a form of meditation or prayer to invoke the divine presence and seek inner peace and harmony.

"Hari Om" is a peaceful and auspicious phrase that is often used by individuals to connect with their spiritual side and express goodwill to others. It is a way of invoking the divine and wishing for a positive and blessed interaction or experience.